5. Viking Skull - Cursed By The Sword
Viking Skull have become a fave of mine over the past few years. From the UK, they combine the foot stomping attitude of AC/DC, with the buzzsaw riffs and vocals of Motorhead and a touch of classic Sabbath. Straight up, no frills, drink too much heavy rock n' roll. Cursed by the Sword is full of killer riffs ,and big fat drums. Vocalist Roddy Stone sounds like Lemmy's little brother, and guitarists Dom Wallace and Frank Reagan lay down some brilliant riffage. Fave tracks include Five Fingers Of Steel, the moody This Is The End, and the soon-to-be-classic, My Bitch Talks Too Much. If you're a fan of real rock n' roll, you need to get this record now. And I know if you read my blog, you're already looking for it. Enjoy!
4. Eclipse - Bleed & Scream
This record, along with my #3 pick, are my surprises for 2012. Eclipse are pretty much the opposite of Viking Skull. Way more stream lined, tons of vocals, with a nice blend of classic AOR and Hard Rock. When I was in High School in the mid 80's, a record like this would have been at the top of the charts, a blend of say Survivor, Def Leppard and Motley Crue, all with a very modern edge. Vocalist Erik Martensson is the star of the show here, but his bandmates prove they are no slouches either, in particular the tasty solos pulled off by guitarist Magnus Henriksson. Every song on this record is a winner, and no song got more play from me this year than the title track. Seriously, if you like melodic hard rock, stop what you are doing and go get this album.
3. Imperial State Electric - Pop War
After leaving The Hellacopters, Nicke Andersson formed Imperial State Electric. This is their 2nd full length, and what a record it is. Wearing his influences on his sleeve, the record sounds like the bastard child of 70's stalwarts The Runaways, KISS, and Cheap Trick. Some of the best classic pop rock songwriting I have heard in a while. If classic rock radio ever got a hold of this they could make it massive. Straight up rock anthems like Uh Huh and Sheltered In The Sand, rub elbows with more creative numbers like Waltz For Vincent. I have gone back to check out their first album and the multitude of singles, and they all rock. This is a band that I will be following from here on in. Hopefully Nicke and the boys can make it to this side of the pond so I can see them live. Great record.
2. KISS - Monster
1. Rush - Clockwork Angels
So here we are at Number 1. Like KISS, Rush has released a record this late in their career that can stand aside the classics, and is the best record they have done since 1984's Grace Under Pressure.
A concept album with a steampunk theme, Clockwork Angels rocks when it needs to and pulls back when necessary. Tunes like Caravan and Headlong Flight are some of the heaviest stuff they have ever done, and The Wreckers is one of the best Rush songs ever. Closer, The Garden is one of the most brilliant creative songs they have ever recorded. I have caught them once on this tour, and will seeing a 2nd show this summer. Rush still dominates on stage and on record. This cannot be the end.
I hope you all enjoyed my list this year! I'll be back soon with more classic albums that rounded my musical tastes and sensibilties. Look for posts on classic records from Def Leppard, Sweet and Sex Pistols. As always keep the faith and MUYA!
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