Saturday, 10 December 2011

Breezy's Top 15 Of 2011! #12

Back with the next one in my best of 2011.  Another new band, this time from the UK.  #12 The Treatment - This Might Hurt.

The past few years have spawned some fantastic new young bands that are not afraid to take and show their influences from the best classic hard rock bands.  I don't know how old these guys are, but they were not around during the heyday of AC/DC, UFO, or even later bands like Tesla or Skid Row, but mix those up and you're getting a view of The Treatment.  I'm an avid reader and subscriber to the best music mag out right now, Classic Rock, and an article about them introduced me to the band.  

The Treatment is a five piece from Cambridge.  As their bio states, they are classic sounds filtered through young hearts and minds.  

The record kicks off in killer fashion with the opener, Departed, and my fave track, The Doctor.  Think high energy AC/DC and classic Aerosmith...Vocalist Matt Jones really shines on the slower Just Tell Me Why, and proves he's a genuine talent.  They have a potential hit single in the power ballad Nothing To Lose.  Honestly, there isn't a bad track on the album, and probably could have rated higher on my list this year.  A perfect summer album to crank up (being that is winter now, crank it up anyway).  They did a tour in the UK with Alice Cooper this year, so I hope they gain some momentum and eventually take over the world.  Looking forward to album #2.  Great!
This is the first single, a little ditty entitled, Drink, F**k Fight.

As always, Support The Bands You Like And Buy Their Albums!

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